This month.


This pretty much sums up how I am feeling this month.

Originally posted on démeaux:

Because of the last 14 days, I’d like to take this opportunity to publicly state my love and admiration for all my friends and family.
I’d like to think I’m a fairly competent cyclist, crashes in races/training rides excepted, but I’m really bothered by what’s going on in London this month.
It may be that this is just a distribution event and it’ll all “even out” in the end.

However, I don’t want to take that risk. I’d like to publicly state that I’m shit scared of dying under a truck/bus/badly driven car. I do all I can to avoid traffic. I ride fairly sensibly. I don’t run red lights. I wear a helmet.

None of this will matter one fucking bit if a badly driven and or badly maintained vehicle and or badly maintained driver takes the inopportune moment to fuck up in my general vicinity.

I know I…

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